Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Moscow Day 3

Didn't have a chance to post yesteday and we're on our way to the outskirts of Moscow this morning to meet up with Dmitry Kulikov for some PPG flying. The weather has taken a turn for the better. Blue skies and slightly warmer temps. Today looks perfect so far.
Dave & I worked on the movie short project yesterday morning. Lots of curious citizens wondering what the hell we were doing. Also, military and police stopping us several times to see what we were doing. The tripod is a dead giveaway that we aren't just doing snapshot stuff. I'd just smile and say "American Tourist" and they would say some stuff in Russian and tell us to move along.
About noon we rode the metro, (subway) to the festival cinema. They had arranged for us to meet with a Russian female champion boxer. We had a photo op, and then saw a slide show of her upcoming movie. She is a tall slim beautiful blonde that could probably knock you out with one punch.
Dave & I then went to the Kremlin and took the armory tour. Very cool indeed just being inside the Kremlin, but to see all the historical artifacts was amazing.
Have to run for now, more later.
Photos - Chris in front of the festival cinema, Dave & Chris enjoying a couple of cold ones in a Pub somewhere in central Moscow (we were lost at the time, but didn't really care).

CP & DG.