
Saturday morning Patty, Samantha, & I attended a press breakfast for filmmakers where we were photographed and interviewed by local papers and internet magazines. We then set off for the coast just north of Santa Barbara and checked out a beautiful state park. We saw prairie dogs, walked the beach and just as we were going to leave 4 humpback whales went swimming by right on cue. A neat experience for us, especially 6 yr. old Sammi. We headed down to the SB pier and did some shopping and had lunch at Moby Dicks, a place where Frank Sinatra use to love to eat. They have lots of memorabilia from Frank & other stars.
Our 2nd showing was scheduled at 4pm so I headed over to the theater to put up the BIG poster and check the projection, audio, etc. Good thing I did, they had the audio really clipping the speakers. A little tweaking to the Digital Beta Deck and we made it right, whew. The theater was 150 seats and we had standing room only. The screening went great and I did about a 20 minute Q&A after with some great questions.
We went out after to State Street for some shopping and then dinner at Ruby's. Greg's wife Betsy came in for the weekend also and you see us all pictured outside Ruby's. The other photos are - Interview with a local college TV station, and Sammi with a Boa snake around her neck! (Took her 45 minutes to work up the nerve for that one :-)
We are packing up and heading to the festival closing party tonight. Should be fun.
Check out the KTYD Radio Interview...
More radio & TV coming.
Stay Tuned!!
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