Monday, February 27, 2006

Worldfest screening time announced

I had a conversation with Worldfest Houston's program director today. They have given us a screening date and time. "Into the Wind" will Texas premiere on Saturday April 22nd @ 5:00 pm at the AMC 30 - 2949 Dunvale Houston, Texas. We may get a second screening, stay tuned for updates. See you at the movies.


Sunday, February 26, 2006

Maneuvers Clinic :-)

(pictured is a photo from Chris Santacroce's website, we don't have those mountains etc. around Houston ;-) pictures & video from the weekend up soon...

WOW. The clinic was very cool. We did some stuff that I never thought I would do while flying. Chris Santacroce is a great instructor, very mellow, and reassuring in your ear on the radio while coaching you through "B line Stalls", "Full Frontal Colapses", "Big Ears", and other stuff. The boat tows over lake Somerville were great, the highest I logged was about 2,800 feet before I released. No motor flying is very cool, I'll definately be adding free flight to my "things to do" list. Stay tuned for video and pictures from the weekend.


Thursday, February 23, 2006

quote of the day

This is a rule of flight that has been around for awhile but still a good one...

"Remember, gravity is not just a good idea. It's the law. And it's not subject to repeal.

I am headed to Lake Somerville (near Brenham, Texas) for the weekend for a free flight maneuvers clinic. We'll be towing up behind a boat and releasing, then performing maneuvers while being instructed by world famous - Chris Santacroce, over FRS radio. Should be a hoot. Don't know if I'll have internet up there or not so it may be Sunday or Monday until the next post.

Stay Tuned...


Tuesday, February 21, 2006


New video on the ITW site. Check out the TV news spots...

and then click on...

KEYT ABC Channel 3 Santa Barbara TV Interview


Fox News Channel 26 Interview - See the news clip

Or directly from here...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

UPDATE 02.19.06

WOW, what a great few weeks. They went by so fast I just can't believe it. We just got back into town from Ride the Rio, the motorcycle rally I c0-host with Dave Gorham in the Big Bend area of Texas. Great weather, great friends, great riding and more.

We are trying to gather all the media coverage and link it up to the website. Hopefully that will be done this week. For now I'll add things as I get them. The latest being the piece from

Scroll down until you get to the "To the Maxx Sidebar Keeps Cranking" article, where you can read about ITW and hear the interview.

Also check out the interview with Greg...

And photos from WireImage...

Stay Tuned...


Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Pictured are Hwy. 101 heading south about 30 minutes outside of Santa Barbara. Lots of good breaks and surfers along this area. The wind mills are near Palm Springs, I think this was the area featured in a scene from the movie "Rain Man" and other films.

Greg left SB on Sunday morning so he wouldn't have to pull the RV through Monday morning traffic. Patty & Samantha headed back to Houston. Dave & I packed up and then headed to the closing award ceremonies and screening of the movie "Thank you for smoking" directed by Jason Reitman. (Ivan Reitman's son). Then movie is great, you should see it when it hits the theaters. We then went to the closing festival party where everyone had a good time, especially the festival staff. They could finally let their hair down after two weeks of hard work.

The festival was great, we got lots of press and learned a lot. We're in Phoenix today and then off to RTR tomorrow.

ITW has been accepted to Houston's worldfest film festival in April and we have been awarded a Remi award. We are now an award winning feature film!

The ITW trailer will be posted soon on the worldfest site with a counter on how many times it has been viewed and a place for you to rate it.

We are also talking to The Jackson Hole Film Festival & Mountainfilm in Telluride.

Stay Tuned...


Sunday, February 12, 2006


My wife & daughter flew into LAX Friday night for a short visit to SB and the festival. I drove down to pick them up, about a 4.5 hour round trip, not too bad.

Saturday morning Patty, Samantha, & I attended a press breakfast for filmmakers where we were photographed and interviewed by local papers and internet magazines. We then set off for the coast just north of Santa Barbara and checked out a beautiful state park. We saw prairie dogs, walked the beach and just as we were going to leave 4 humpback whales went swimming by right on cue. A neat experience for us, especially 6 yr. old Sammi. We headed down to the SB pier and did some shopping and had lunch at Moby Dicks, a place where Frank Sinatra use to love to eat. They have lots of memorabilia from Frank & other stars.

Our 2nd showing was scheduled at 4pm so I headed over to the theater to put up the BIG poster and check the projection, audio, etc. Good thing I did, they had the audio really clipping the speakers. A little tweaking to the Digital Beta Deck and we made it right, whew. The theater was 150 seats and we had standing room only. The screening went great and I did about a 20 minute Q&A after with some great questions.

We went out after to State Street for some shopping and then dinner at Ruby's. Greg's wife Betsy came in for the weekend also and you see us all pictured outside Ruby's. The other photos are - Interview with a local college TV station, and Sammi with a Boa snake around her neck! (Took her 45 minutes to work up the nerve for that one :-)

We are packing up and heading to the festival closing party tonight. Should be fun.

Check out the KTYD Radio Interview...

More radio & TV coming.

Stay Tuned!!


Saturday, February 11, 2006


Today was a day to promote ITW at the two local colleges. We hung posters and put out flyers all over both campuses. Our 2nd showing is Saturday 4:00 pm. and we hope to have a full house.

We also filmed more segments for the motorcycle TV pilot called "Lane Splitters" in and around Santa Barbara. What a beautiful city and great weather.

My wife Patty & our daughter Samantha arrived tonight for the weekend. They will be enjoying a whirl-wind tour of this area and another possible red carpet walk for the Phillip Seymore Hoffman tribute tomorrow night.

Dave checked out the movie "On the Pipe 2" tonight, stay tuned for a review of that film.

Check out the KTYD radio interview at...

Stay Tuned...


Friday, February 10, 2006

SBIFF 02.09.06

Pictures: Greg, Chris & Dave at the World Premier of “Into the Wind” at Victoria Hall. Kenny Loggins and Chris at the KTYD studio.

Hi All, Dave here – guest blogger for tonight’s update. It was a late night last night, an early morning this morning, then a long day today – and Chris is out like a light! Being the night owl that I am, I thought I would take over the blogging duties at east for tonight.

And what a busy day it was! It started early with a radio interview on KTYD – the choice Santa Barbara rock station. Chris had almost 9 minutes on the air plugging ITW and the sport of powered paragliding. Chris did a great job, and the results will soon be uploaded to the ITW web site. In fact, we already have the MP3 and it’s just a matter of finding the time to get it done.

Maybe the best part of the interview was that the next studio guest after Chris was the one and only Kenny Loggins. Kenny is a Santa Barbara resident, and just a regular guy here. But there was Chris snapping away with his camera! The radio guys were giving Chris a hard time about being star-struck – and they were right!

After the interview, Chris returned to our HQ here at the Sandman Inn before we all took off for the press office downtown. It’s always a good idea to stay in the face of the press agents so they know where you are and that you’re available for interviews – and the ITW crew has been handling this quite well.

Anyway... Our World Premiere was scheduled for 3:30 this afernoon, so we grabbed Jack in the Box burgers and headed over to the Vic to check the theater and make sure all was in order – and, of course, it was. Photographers were on hand to take our pictures and we hope to have some of these pictures posted soon. Also on hand were the guys from “Soul Fly” – a 30-minute short about the sport of kite surfing. SBIFF thought it wise to pair “Soul Fly” with ITW, but we were/are unsure: Our movie is 90 minutes, theirs 30; that’s a lot of movie watching. Plus, were the people in the audience there to see “Soul Fly” and would they get up and leave after the first movie? We just didn’t know. Turns out, we had a respectable showing, despite the mid/late afternoon weekday time slot. And only a few left after “Soul Fly”.

After ITW wrapped, we had only a few minutes before the next movie, so Chris took some Q&As then we headed to a party in the foothills. The party was for Santa Barbara (local) filmmakers but the ITW crew was invited to attend. The standout at the party was the band. These guys – and forgive me because I never got their name – were a 3-piece outfit from San Diego and they ROCKED! All three were incredibly talented – the drummer played a drum synthesizer and bass guitar at the same time, the guy on electric cello was incredible and the guitar player was hands-down one of the best I’ve seen in a club or party setting. And of course, what’s a party with a band without the fuzz? They told us to turn it down or turn it off, so the volume came down a nudge or two.

Hey – a couple of notes about last night: We started at the Heath Ledger award ceremony – we snuck out the back door in the early stages, in time for me to hear a teenage girl on her cell phone crying with utter joy to a friend, “He looked at me! He LOOKED at ME! Can you believe it?!” Geez – where do teenage girls get that kind of emotion?

Later last night we went to the US premiere of “Karla”. We’d been doing a lot of back-to-back radio and TV interviews with the movie’s director, Joel Bender, and so we made it a point to see his film. “Karla” is the true story of the Canadian husband/wife serial killers Karla and Paul Bernado. The film was incredibly brutal, tragic and just freaking FREAKY. Had it not been a true story, I would’ve walked out, but because it was true, I couldn’t turn away. Chris and I both looked at each other in shock over the events playing out on the screen. Perhaps you should read up a little on this infamous case before seeing the movie – which is likely months away from a national release. Check out their website at...

Tomorrow we have another busy day scheduled. We want to hit the UCSB campus with posters prior to our Saturday showing. Plus, we want to shoot some more of our motorcyle show near Ojai. Then, tomorrow evening, Chris's wife Patty and daughter Sammi arrive. They'll catch the Saturday screening, and enjoy a day of Santa Barbara, before heading home Sunday morning. We'll spend Sunday stowing the bikes and gear, while preparing for the final blow-out gala, and our Monday departure for my brother's house in Phoenix then our return to Texas for the Ride the Rio rally in Big Bend...

Thanks for reading this longer-than-usual blog.

For Chris, Greg, and "Into the Wind", I'm Dave Gorham.

Good night.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

SBIFF 02.08.06

Today started out good with a local radio station mentioning ITW and plugging that we are going to be on the air tomorrow morning. (Thursday). We then had a local cable TV show that featured ITW. After the interview we drove down to Ventura to fly with some local PPG pilots. Lots of surfers in the frigid cold water trying to catch a wave. Greg & Dave brought down the bikes down so we could get the "helicoptor" shot for the bike show. The sun was setting and it was spectacular to say the least. We were also interviewed for The local ABC news channel 3 and it ran tonight. A great spot that featured the interview along with clips from the movie. We hurried back to SB just in time to make it to the Heath Ledger tribute. We got to walk the red carpet again and were interviewed by a Japanese TV station along with other media. We actually were bombarded with paparazzi photographers as we made our way down the red carpet before Heath Ledger arrived.

Pictured above is (left) Dave, Greg, Chris near Ventura, CA.

(middle) Chris in the PPG rig over the Pacific near Ventura.

(right) Chris Page, Joel Bender - Director & writer of "Karla" a full feature ($2 million budget!) 35mm film here at the festival, Annette Bender - Joel's wife and producer, Dave Gorham.

Stay Tuned.


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

SBIFF 02.07.06

Today we worked on a new project involving motorcycles and travel. We used the new HD cams for the project and everything went well. Pictured: guest, Bruce Armstrong, show hosts Dave Gorham, & Chris Page. (Greg was behind the camera).

This morning started out with a radio interview on a local alternative music radio station. The interview went well with the DJ asking about the movie times at the festival and talking about the soundtrack.

Speaking of soundtrack, thanks to Rick Johnson (Mojo Lingo), Jason Campbell (Jasoncampbellmusic) and my wife Patty for quickly emailing MP3's of some of the songs in the movie for a "mini sampler" CD for local radio play. I'll post the results as I get them.

I was interviewed by the ABC affiliate KEYT Channel 3 tonight for a story that will air tomorrow. The interview went well and they promised us a copy of the final edit tomorrow. I'll hopefully have some of the TV & Radio stuff up soon on the ITW website. We have another TV gig scheduled tomorrow and more radio on Thursday.

Stay Tuned!


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

SBIFF 02.06.06

Another very productive day for ITW. We did an interview with KRUZ radio Santa Barbara today & set up two other gigs, one TV and one radio. A local radio station is interested in the ITW soundtrack. They wanted me to bring over a soundtrack sampler in the morning, the songs may get some radio time.

We attended James Cameron's award ceremony tonight, where the staff of ITW got to walk the Red Carpet and get interviewed by local & national news. We also got to meet James Cameron himself, for a couple of minutes anyway. The after party was at Stearns Wharf, where we were out on a pier.

Pictured above - Left to right, Chris Page, Dave Gorham, unidentified, James Cameron, & Suzy Amis.

Right picture - Chris and unidentified mermaid.

(Greg was taking pictures, but got in on the Red Carpet walk)

Stay Tuned...


Sunday, February 05, 2006

SBIFF 02-05-06

Today was a slow day for the festival so we went on a motorcycle ride up into the mountains to an old stage coach station that is now a tavern / restaurant. Mo McFadden, one of the SBIFF press liason's showed us the way. Spectacular views, great roads, and the Cold Spring Tavern makes a mean grilled beef sandwich with homemade mustard / horse radish sauce.

I wanted to try and get a couple of flights in at the "Fly Above All" training hill in Santa Barbara so we made it over there early afternoon. Free flight instructor Bob walked me through a couple of flights without a motor for the first time. I did pretty good and am planning a free flight from the 3000+ foot cliff above SB. The locals say you can launch from there and fly over SB all the way to the beach, we'll see.

Stay Tuned...


SBIFF Update

A great day today. We attended the Houston Film Commission party and it was good. Lots of promoting and new contacts. I had an appointment to talk with the program director of the Jackson Hole Film Festival and they are very interested in ITW. I visited the paragliding school today to promote the movie and check it out. I was ready to take a couple of free flights when the wind changed direction, blowing down hill. I may be able to try again tomorrow. We are going on a motorcycle ride tomorrow up HWY. 154, suppose to be spectacular. Dave & I attended a documentary by Stewart Copeland of the band "The Police" tonight. Andy Summers was in the audience but no Sting. The movie was from footage that Copeland shot during their early years and then on to stardom. It was a good movie with a great soundtrack, Stewart said no reunion though. More Later.

Stay Tuned...


SBIFF Day ??

We went to the party last night and had a couple of celebrity sightings. I'm pictured above at left with Leonard Malten, and Christopher Lloyd. The unidentified girl in the middle was very entertaining, gotta love California. The Houston Film Commission party is Saturday night where they will be promoting ITW.

Stay Tuned.


Friday, February 03, 2006


We had another productive day. First, an interview with KTMS radio in Santa Barbara. It will air tomorrow at 5 pm Eastern. I'll try and have it up on the website soon. We have a couple of other radio and TV interviews scheduled next week. Greg was at the hotel Santa Barbara and scared up an interview with an internet magazine - We'll link that up when it goes live. We are off to the modern masters award party that pays tribute to George Clooney. Yes girls, we'll tell him you said Hi. Tomorrow we plan on visiting the paragliding school based here in SB to hang posters and hang out with some of the pilots. I don't have a USPA rating so I don't think they'll let me fly there, we'll see. If I can't free fly there, I may meet up with Chad Bastian of "Fly Above All" to fly PPG in some local "secret" spots. We'll post pictures of tonight and celebrity sightings tomorrow.

Stay Tuned!

Chris, Dave, & Greg.


The first official day of the festival was productive for the crew of ITW. We checked in with the staff and got our platinum all access passes and then I headed for the press room. I handed out 3 inch pins (buttons) that had our poster printed on it to anyone that would listen to me. The pins are called digipins and have a mini CD that will play in a computer in them. The CD contains the video trailer, press kit, poster etc. so you can pop out the CD and it still has the image behind it to wear as a button. The digipins were a BIG hit, everyone commented on how creative they were. We have also been scheduled for 3 interviews so far. Two radio and one TV. I'm headed over the radio station in just a few minutes for the first one.

The opening night gala was last night and we met more press people, film makers, and LOTS of people interested in film. The only celebrity sightings I've had so far was bumping into Alan Thicke, who was surrounded by beautiful women. He's looking pretty good but getting older. The picture here shows that ITW was featured in Santa Barbara magazine. They talked about ITW in the article and even had a color photo of the movie poster.

Stay Tuned!

Chris, Dave, & Greg.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


We made it! We are in sunny Santa Barbara. It is really beautiful here. The pacific is blue and there were a lot of surfers out today, hopefully I'll be able to catch a few waves while here. We got checked in and unloaded, then headed to festival central to promote the movie. Local businesses were friendly to us and we got a jump on the other films by hitting the pavement today with posters and postcards. There are ITW posters in the windows of a lot of businesses up and down State Street! Thursday is the official start of the festival and we'll continue promoting but will also schmooz with the press and attend the festival opening gala.

Stay Tuned.

Dave, Greg, & Chris.

Greg (production assistant) got here today from Oregon. Look for him in upcoming BLOGS.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Well, day 2 has been a LONG day. We left Las Cruces, N.M. at 8 a.m. and arrived in Newbury Park, California about 12:00 a.m. pacific time.

A couple of observations about California...

1. At the border when entering the state of California there is an inspection for ALL vehicles. Reminded me of the eastern block countries in Europe of old.

2. The speed limit for a vehicle towing a trailer is 55 mph! What's up with that?

3. Gas prices here are higher than anywhere else, so far. About $2.65 per gallon.

4. The road surface is pretty darn rough! Going through L.A. was brutal.

5. There are no road markers for hotels. It's hard to find a hotel here, not because there aren't any but because there aren't any signs to tell you where they are.

Anyway, we will be in Santa Barbara, CA. Wednesday.

Stay Tuned.

Chris & Dave.